marie dreezen

Your name
Marie Dreezen
Place of birth
Mortsel, Belgium
Place where you live now
Antwerp, Belgium
3 words to describe you
Perceptive, curious, reserved
Why do you take pictures?
I use photography to translate the way I see the world around me.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Mainly from the people and places around me. I also often turn to other forms of art to find inspiration like painting, printmaking/illustration, architecture, film and literature. At the moment I'm really intrigued by the paintings of Grant Wood and last year I discovered Gustave Doré's body of work.
Who are your influences?
This changes quite often but photographers like Harry Gruyaert, Geert Goiris and Gregory Halpern have been a constant since I first started photographing.
What determines the subject matter you choose?
Whatever I feel drawn to. The stories I want to tell usually come naturally while making new work.
What impact would you like your art to have?
I want people looking at my work to discover a new world, to have their imagination and curiosity triggered.
What artwork do you never get bored with?
I like to turn back to and rediscover good photobooks so I would say a well made and put together photobook like Robin De Puy's If This Is True I'll Never Have To Leave Home Again, the first time I truly felt a connection with a body of work.
Is there anything you want to add?
Stay curious!

(Un)familiar Sands
Project statement

This is a place where people try to flee everyday life only for a couple of months a year, but most of the time it is nearly deserted, home to those who cater to the flood of people.
When this flood retreats, a new universe opens up. The abandoned vacation homes, complimented by the solitude of the landscape, form an unknown world of emptiness and isolation showing the hidden character of the Belgian west coast.
Wandering through these sandscapes you get lost in the visions of another world and as the night falls you get drawn deeper into these mystical scenes. A landscape both familiar and unfamiliar.

marie dreezen

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