piyanuch puangpee

Your name
Piyanuch Puangpee
Place of birth
Bangkok, Thailand
Place where you live now
Chiang Mai, Thailand
3 words to describe you
Imaginative, rational and solitary
Why do you take pictures?
In the beginning, I thought it was the best way to keep things such as memory, situations, and dumb things in real time. Later, I’ve learnt more about photography and realized that it can be part of a medium to express thoughts or stories. So, I still take some snapshots in daily life and do projects to reflect the story that I want to share.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I like to get new fun facts from the internet like podcasts and text. I also watch movies, animations, and some series. So, I keep all of my experience and knowledge to inspire my work.
Who are your influences?
Maurizio Di Iorio is a photographer who got into this type of photography.
What determines the subject matter you choose?
Most of my subject matter comes from my current interest for the real. So, it usually expresses my experience whether it is direct from myself or from the outside media.
What impact would you like your art to have?
I’d like to reflect on anything in daily life in another way. I usually make my art colorful to feel like it is cheerful with a bit of surrealism but what I want to reflect is what is currently happening in society.
What artwork do you never get bored with?
I easily appreciate artwork which is full of objects and details with vibrant color. But the one that I never get bored with is the work of Hiroshi Nagai. His artwork makes me comfortable and delighted at the same time. So, I can appreciate each detail and color in his artwork all day.
Is there anything you want to add?
Big thanks for this great opportunity. Keep doing it!

The Last Hope 
Project statement

Wishing for a better future by working hard cannot lead you to a prosperous future as much as a lucky shortcut to getting suddenly rich by winning the lottery. Finding the holy predicted number is a serious game for Thai people and the hope of winning the lottery is far beyond just realizing numeric digits. Many people in Thai society have hopes of winning by gambling rather than by working for a better life. These images are dream visions of the forecast lottery numbers,  the last hope for Thai people. 


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