yana hryhorenko

Your name
Yana Hryhorenko
Place of birth
Bila Tserkva, Ukraine
Place where you live now
Kyiv, Ukraine
3 words to describe you
Artist, Woman, Human
Why do you take pictures?
Pictures are my way to show reality, to feel its existence, the ability to cope with it.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Mostly - within myself, in the features of my existence, ways of thinking and feeling
Who are your influences?
Viviane Sassen
What determines the subject matter you choose?
My artistic practice is built on the peculiarities of my physiological and mental states. The congenital anomaly of vision and its almost complete absence in my left eye affects the aesthetics of my vision and the formats of photographs I work with. My vision is monocular, so images are mostly vertical or square. My main tool is color. Without lenses and glasses I see only it, no clear shapes or lines, no other signs of reality. Every day I put into practice the wave theory of light, notice different manifestations of diffraction, interference and dispersion of light and many other "visions" that I have not yet identified. The topics I work with are related to the work of my psyche. Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders are reflected in the themes of my series and approaches to working with images.
What impact would you like your art to have?
So that people look inside themselves more often, in search of answers to the questions of the universe
What artwork do you never get bored with?
Compositions of Kandinsky
Is there anything you want to add?

Disturbing Beauty
Project statement

Dedicated to the turbulent times in my country and in my universe.
Disturbing Beauty came into my head as a concept a week before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The series arose, but the feeling of conscious fear did not, I denied everything that was happening around me, not accepting the possibility of war. All my unrealized anxiety accumulated in those pictures.

The challenges of the current reality present to our eyes a new conception of melancholic beauty. Notes of overwhelming fear for the future, which may not be, appear on images of Ukrainian women. Premonitions of disaster became an emotionally draining game that we can't help but play. Unfortunately, now this is the reality of the absolute majority of Ukrainians - to pretend that anxiety does not exist, while it has swallowed you whole.

yana hryhorenko