valerio polici

Your name
Valerio Polici
Place of birth
Place where you live now
3 words to describe you
Obsessive, visceral, impatient
Why do you take pictures?
To shape the things that haunt me
Where do you get your inspiration?
Painting, dance, conceptual art, cinema
Who are your influences?
Most of it all: David Lynch, Franz Kafka, Dimitris Papaioannou
What determines the subject matter you choose?
The relationships created between internal and external spaces
What impact would you like your art to have?
Setting in motion an imaginative machine in the user. Depriving him of solid coordinates, he is motivated to create his own personal experience.
What artwork do you never get bored with?
Is there anything you want to add?

Project statement

Men are, thus, fundamentally and exclusively, the creatures of their own interior. They thrive only in the greenhouse of their autogenous atmosphere.
(Peter Sloterdijk, Spheres I, Bubbles, 2014, § 149)

Crushed by an uncontrollable outside, human beings protect themselves against the terror of open space by constructing buildings.
These spaces interest me not only as intimate places in which to seek shelter to the unknown, but also as amniotic environments that materialize one's obsessions.
Interno is an exercise in imagination about the home, the uncanny, the phantasmagorical.
Room after room, the neurotic movement of a gaze generates a dance of bodies and objects, the fabric of things is made and unmade continuously.
The eye as an opening towards the abyss of the unknown, peering over the threshold of another world.