ogorogile nong

Your name
Ogorogile Nong
Place of birth
South Africa
Place where you live now
Diepkloof Soweto 
3 words to describe you
Spontaneous, risk taker and creative thinker 
Why do you take pictures?
I make images as it's a way of telling my own story as well as documenting moments and experiences. 
Where do you get your inspiration?
I get inspiration mostly from watching a lot of films
Who are your influences?
South African photographers like Thandile Zwelibanzi, Thabiso Sekgala and many others as well as Carla Liesching who does more of contemporary photography as well as engages in other mediums like sculpting as well as abstract art. 
What determines the subject matter you choose?
What impact would you like your art to have?
I would like my art to serve as a reference to creatives and/or people of all walks of life as well as to teach or spark well needed conversations. 
What artwork do you never get bored with?
Well conceptual artwork, as well as documentary. 
Is there anything you want to add?
I don't believe in perfection as in some weird way I find it boring

As My Heart Cries
Project statement

As My Heart Cries is based on feelings of frustration about life and everything in it as well as the underlying symptoms of depression. The body of work intends to voice the frustrations, confusions, love or hate, pain, depression and emotions that the artist has.  

It was a way of venting about how I really feel, the loneliness I constantly feel, the lack of affection that falls on me every night, the pain I suffer from, the anger I feel at times that makes me feel like I am crazy, the affection I am longing but never seem to get.  

As my heart cries  
You can cry in many ways  
Silently in pain  
But violently you feel a wave  
Of sadness in a haze.  

You try to hide the tears but they keep procreating  
Eyes your playground the emotions still at play  
You see a smile so try to keep it at bay  
Accommodating people you don’t see everyday  
Wondering why I don’t just cry anyway  
Instead of waiting for a time when you’re alone in that state   
You can cry in many ways  
Silently in pain  
But violently you feel a wave  
Of sadness in a haze.