hashim nasr

Your name
Hashim Nasr
Place of birth
Khartoum, Sudan
Place where you live now
Alexandria, Egypt
3 words to describe you
Curious, dreamy, creative
Why do you take pictures?
Because of the joy of making new imaginary scenes and stories when creating dreamlike surreal photographs
Where do you get your inspiration?
My heritage and Sudanese African with mixture of Arabic culture
Who are your influences?
Director Sergei Parajanov. Photographer Aida Muluneh
What determines the subject matter you choose?
My ability to tell stories through conceptual artworks and my connection to them.
What impact would you like your art to have?
Enlightening situations and stories can't be told or even heard by people in my community. When it comes to sharing personal issues related to self-acceptance of gender identity in light of a society that criminalizes these issues and criminalizes even discussing them, I have always sought to break the stereotype in presenting the issue of manhood and how patriarchy has a huge impact on our society. This made me want to draw more attention to these situations.
What artwork do you never get bored with?
There is this art work by Aida Muluneh named Star Shine, Moon Glow that I can't stop looking at. It’s so powerful in its visuals and the meaning behind it.
Is there anything you want to add?
Thanks for this opportunity to showcase my cultural interpretation of Sudanese culture in this platform and hope people all over the world will see us in a new perspective

A Leap Into A Dream (Stories of The Cones)
Project statement

This series straddles the thin line between conceptual minimalism and dreamlike, surreal imagery where Hashim Nasr transfers his dream in which he saw two fairies playing freely upon the Nile river banks carefree from hectic daily life.
In A Leap into Dream, the artist wants to create an aesthetic through the profusion of forms, multiplication of sights, the juxtaposition of colors, flowers, earth and nature elements to symbolize his roots.
In his art, Hashim Nasr captures his interpretation of Sudanese culture in surreal visuals creating a link between the imagination and reality.


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