mayowa lawal

Your name
Mayowa Lawal
Place of birth
Lagos, Nigeria
Place where you live now
Lagos, Nigeria
3 words to describe you
Creative, Explorer, Unique
Why do you take pictures?
I don’t just photograph what I see, I only capture what I feel when I see it.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Life. Every little detail, every single happening. Everything from fashion and colors. I am influenced by my parents' love for and exploration of vast interests in foreign and traditional dress styles. Basically culture and my mother’s love for nature.
Who are your influences?
Brother (photographer) and Mother (Ankara marketer)
What determines the subject matter you choose?
My source of inspiration often dictates the subject matter, and sometimes I create from the willingness and neediness to create art to stimulate my creative faculty.
What impact would you like your art to have?
To help the audience interpret the romance of art, style and color and visualize its surreal experience and to help everyone to have a deeper understanding of our emotions when seeing art.
What artwork do you never get bored with?
I never get bored with any of my works. Every piece of art created is a part of my soul, I never get tired of.
Is there anything you want to add?
Thank you for the spotlight, gratitude to the team.

The Mummies - Alànkarà
Project statement

The mummies believe in life after death. This is a comforting thought, as it means that there is something waiting for us after we die. This belief gives us hope that we will be reunited with our loved ones after we pass away.
It seems that they would much rather spend their time wrapped up in solemnity.
Alànkarà: which simply means one who indulges or decorates themself with Ankara (An African native fabric) and also, finds pleasure in doing so.

lawal mayowa